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4 ways to relax in 1 minute

Everyday I am busy with work. no time.

In order to relax slowly, I want to go on a trip somewhere on holidays. I think that if it is possible to heal tiredness and stress all at once ... ... etc.

But there are actually many ways to relax right now without taking a long vacation.

Stare at ease

Instead of staring at people, they gaze at harmless objects and walls. Then, the inside of the head becomes inexpert. It is the best as there is no window and no eye view is worrisome.

Do a hand massage

Let's massage your hand. Tension is relieved by massaging the acupuncture point in the hand accumulated fatigue. It is still better if you apply lotion.

There are various points in your hands, so you can relax the whole body by doing a hand massage. It also seems that you can refresh the brain by improving the flow of the lymph by merely rubbing or rubbing it. There is a nerve point under the nail so it may be okay just to hold down the nail. It seems that it will be effective if you go to a bit when desk work is tired and so on.

Inhale and exhale

Deep breathing has the function of normalizing blood pressure and relaxing the brain. Let's take a deep breath when you get caught in a traffic jam.

If a person is in a state of tension, breathing becomes shallow. Then, it seems that it leads to unhealthy conditions and diseases.

By carefully inhaling breath long and slowly vomiting it will reduce stress and anxiety. Just a few breaths between jobs to reset and reset, the efficiency may change afterwards.

Close your eyes

Closing your eyes makes you relaxed, you can concentrate your thoughts and become able to survive the rest of the time. The act of closing the eyes is thought that the brain is in a relaxed state before falling asleep, and unravels the tension.

The act of closing the eyes other than sleep is not easy. But, by closing your eyes you can send a signal of rest to the brain.

Just closing your eyes and just sitting for a while, for example when your eyes get tired with PCs or smartphones, seems to be refreshing your head and body.

Other than that, I heard music, write emotions, laugh a little, imagine positive things, make a single time, talk with someone, and so on.

As long as it is the above one, it seems that any of them can easily be executed in the office. While relaxing, I want to survive daily hard work without fatigue.

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