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4 foods optimum for energy charge

Suddenly when the head was heading towards a computer, the head became heavy heavily, although it was going to look forward with the power of the whole body shining down, both eyelids closed slowly, the face was on the keyboard just before smashing ... .... In the afternoon sleeping attacks coming out of power & power. Is not that manageable?

Lack of exercise due to lack of sleep, and mental stress. Besides these factors, meals are also affecting physical strength. There seems to be something that improves and reduces physical strength for processed foods and all foods including fat and sugar-rich foods. For example, there are many benefits simply by drinking like a coffee, there are other foods that keeps vitality throughout the day, and we want to actively take it.

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"Foods that contain at least 3 to 4 g of dietary fiber and protein are recommended for energy supply," said Jacqueline London, who is the nutrition director at the Good Housekeeping Laboratory. Such fruits and vegetables are recommended by her. "When it is in a dehydrated state, it falls into a low energy state that causes sleep, especially in the summer, this symptom is likely to occur. By adding vegetables and fruits to the meal, hydration can be carried out more efficiently ". If you eat vegetables and fruits properly, if you feel tired in the afternoon, try out 4 foods to introduce from now on! What?

1. Matcha 
It is the author of "Eating in Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family (a delicious and healthy recipe for you and your family)" asserting "Matcha is now boom!" , Nutritionist Francis Rajman-Roth. It seems that tea leaves turned into dried powder contain more antioxidant ingredients than conventional green tea.

According to Mr. Francis, the bitter taste of Matcha is due to the compound of natural origin, the amount of caffeine contained in about 240 ml of Matcha is about half of coffee. So, if you drink coffee in the afternoon you will not be able to sleep at night, Matcha is perfect. "However, please avoid Matcha latte containing a lot of sugar", Francis. If caffeine injection is needed in the future, please be sure to put Matcha in the top of the choice!

2. Lemon & peppermint water
"While water is an ideal drink for hydration, if there is insufficient moisture and it is in a mild dehydration state, you may get misunderstood as hungry," Francis said. According to a survey of 2013 published in "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience" which conducts research on the mechanism of the brain, by drinking water before feeling thirsty, concentration and performance It is possible to increase. Here's how to drink Francis is here. "When you add citrus and peppermint, ordinary water becomes very refreshing, and you also know that as a result of your research you can feel that your physical strength has been overwhelmed by these two scents."

3. Raw almonds
Protein contained in almond brings a feeling of fullness, Francis says it will also help with magnesium supplementation. "This mineral is essential for 300 biochemical reactions occurring in the body, such as blood sugar control and energy production." Also, almonds contain high-quality oil, rich in nutrients that generate energy such as vitamin B, which converts food to energy, copper and phosphorus. Do not worry if you care about almond calories! As a result of the study, it turned out that almond's calorie was about 20% lower than originally thought. This survey was conducted in 2012 by the "American Clinical Nutrition Journal" and was about 129 kcal with about 30 gram almonds.

4. Chocolate
I kept glad news at the end! Thanks to the inclusion of a polyphenol type of cacao flavanol, chocolate may count as good food for the brain. According to a study published in the 2012 American Clinical Nutrition Journal, subjects drank cocoa daily for 8 weeks, so that "remember", "attention" and "execution function" improved "markedly".
One word notes from Francis here. "Do not eat all of the plate chocolate completely! Because you can get enough nutritional benefits even in small amounts". When you want to replenish energy you should eat about 30 g of dark chocolate or sprinkle cacao nibs to Greek yoghurt for ingestion.

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