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A new service "Amazon Key" that Amazon can remotely control home locking is horribly convenient

It's too convenient and scary ....

Always out of the topic Amazon (Amazon). Although considering the delivery system using the drone has become a topic in the past, apparently, Amazon seems to be thinking to control the keys of the door of our house quickly That's it! That's the newly released Amazon service "Amazon Key".

This service also requires a security camera "Cloud Cam" announced as well as a corresponding smart lock. These make it possible for Amazon's distributors and affiliated visiting service staff to pass Amazon on behalf of us even when the user is away. It's important, so it's alright. Amazon will pass visitors to my house on our behalf!

This is the flow of the system. First, when a visitor scans a barcode for a delivery in front of the user's home, that data is transferred to Amazon. If it is judged from Amazon that "OK, no problem!", Amazon will remotely start recording Cloud Cam and at the same time will send a command to smartphone of visitor that can open the key of smart lock. Then, the visitor can use the command to unlock the smart lock and leave the delivered items safely in the house.

Of course the locking of the door is done automatically by the Smart Lock, and the user can check the camera video from the remote in real time, so that the monitoring environment for visitors can not do strange things for a while is ready.

In the United States, there are many cases where deliveries are placed in front of the house if they are not present, and troubles are happening to prepare, but Amazon Key seems to be able to avoid such troubles as well!

This service will be introduced to 37 cities in the US from Amazon Wednesday, November 8th, limited to Amazon Prime members, Cloud Cam and applicable Smart Lock sales are on the same day. By the way, it seems that you can buy it for a set at $ 249.99 (about 28,400 yen).

Even though it is a service that seems to be frustrating for a moment, everyone should understand clearly that there is demand. Because, there are delivery companies in the absence, and after all there is a pity that only the absent notice paper remains in the post, right? With this Amazon Key, it means that you no longer have to think like that!

I think that there is probably a little tie-up with other companies and service deployment to other countries in the future, but it will depend on Amazon's how we can change our consciousness, whether or not the service expansion will proceed smoothly. Even though it can be monitored with a camera, most people will be anxious about unknown people coming in at home while in absence.

But it will be convenient if it becomes popular ...

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