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Is it a bug that "1 + 2 + 3 = 24" on the iOS 11 calculator?

Although it is talked about the problem that if you enter "1 + 2 + 3" quickly in the calculator application of iOS 11, the calculation result is displayed as "24", but the cause of the problem is the animation specification of the calculator application It seems to be due to.

Animation can not catch up when pushing "+" button continuously with calculator operation

If you calculate "1 + 2 + 3" in iOS 11 "calculator application", if the calculation result is displayed as "24" or "23", it will be posted to Reddit and the US media will report In Japan too, the media to address about this issue has been ongoing and has become a hot topic.

This problem is due to the animation that the button blinks when tapping the "+" sign in the calculator application. Symbols such as "+" are designed so that the input is not reflected even if the same button is pressed continuously until the animation at the time of tap is ended.

Therefore, if you enter "1 + 2 + 3" quickly, the second and third "+" will not be entered and will be "1 + 23" resulting in the result "24".

Speaking of the specification, it can not be helped, but since the animation does not finish even if it is not entered too quickly, it seems that many users say "fault" has gone up.

Specifications existing from iOS 7, improved with iOS 10 but also revived on iOS 11

This calculator application "animation is slow" problem has existed from iOS 7 and it seems that it returned to the previous specification again in iOS 11 though it was solved in iOS 10.

In the movie comparing the behavior of the calculator application from iOS 9 to iOS 11 released by AAPL, it can be confirmed that the issue of "+" is not entered due to slow animation in iOS 10 .

By the way. Chris Espinosa, who has worked at Apple for the longest time (joined at the age of 14 in 1976) said on Twitter, "There are already over 70 developers reporting to Radar (bug tracking system)" .

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